AdSense Disclosure

Effective July 18, 2023

This website, Trendy Legs, is dedicated to providing valuable information and resources to our readers. In order to help cover the costs associated with maintaining and operating the website, we use Google AdSense to display advertisements on our website.

AdSense is a program run by Google that allows website owners to display ads on their website and earn money from clicks or impressions on those ads. By using AdSense, we are able to earn money to help support the ongoing efforts to provide valuable information and resources to our readers.

We are fully committed to providing a positive and enjoyable experience for our readers, and we believe that the use of advertising is an important aspect of that experience. However, we understand that some readers may be concerned about the use of advertising on our website.

That is why we have chosen to use AdSense, as it is a highly reputable and widely-used program that allows us to ensure that the ads displayed on our website are relevant and useful to our readers. We do not allow any pop-up ads or other intrusive forms of advertising on our website.

Additionally, we want to be transparent with our readers about the use of advertising on our website. We are required by law to disclose that we use AdSense on our website, and that we may earn money from clicks or impressions on the ads.

We want to assure you that our primary goal is to provide valuable information and resources to our readers, and that the use of advertising is simply a means to help support that goal. If you have any questions or concerns about our use of AdSense, please feel free to contact us.